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has anyone started an LLC


thinking about starting an s-corp or something so that i can take on corp to corp contracts for a while, it seems like theres big (easy) money to be made there

the devops market is insane right now i put my resume on dice 2 days ago and i already have 3 interviews lined up and i’m averaging about 4 indian spam calls an hour

nice maybe i should get a new job

Muy Mas Mucho

if you’re looking now’s the time tbh i’m probably going to get a 40-50k bump

i was talking to a guy earlier today and he was like yeah i actually JUST placed this exact role a few weeks ago but it turns out the guy was working 3 jobs and started no showing afternoon meetings so they had to fire him

so the moral is, get 4 jobs

Contract work like this can be really fulfilling if you’ve got the right skills match. It was my bread and butter for five years until 2016 when my contacts dried up in my area.

Probably a lot easier to maintain now that many more companies are accepting full time remote.

Best advice - get a lawyer to file the papers and get an accountant for your taxes.

Also, this is the best advice about contacts and needing a lawyer that I’ve ever seen:

Trying too hard

yeah idk. i just want money

having a lot of money would be cool

I can’t believe you like money too. We should hang out and maybe go to Starbucks.

Trying too hard

From: Tiko at 2022-03-17 14:58:19
having a lot of money would be cool

it seemns like it would

Up to a certain point and the you stress over different things.

It’s certainly better than not having enough money though.

Trying too hard

i mean i make a lot of money rn by any standard it would just be cool to have more is all


Trying too hard

i still don’t really understand how i fell into this line of work but i’m gonna go with it til they figure out i don’t know what i’m doing

was talking to a recruiter for a job with a big name company the other day and when i told him how much i needed to make he was like oh they’re budgeted for way more than that so we’re gonna with that instead it feels like i’m bizzaro world in this market

yeah i had an llc for a while doing engineering work. it’s super easy, you don’t really need a lawyer to start one. i would recommend an accountant, at least in the beginning. somebody that can give you sound advice about deductions and whatnot. also fyi, when your income is 1099s you need to make quarterly tax payments or you get penalized. also be aware that your social security tax will double, which is not an insignificant hit. just something to be aware of because it’s an unpleasant surprise to learn as you go like i did.

core omega phage

also don’t forget health insurance

core omega phage

yeah i was considering the social security thing too. my understanding is you get it back as a tax deduction but still, it’s a pretty significant chunk of change.

my adult job laid a bunch of people off yesterday and nobody is getting a raise/bonus this year or probably next so i’m going to be accelerating this process

2 interviews tomorrow for some senior level sre positions

well, i did it. now i have to start sourcing contracts i guess. i didn’t think this through very well.

how’s it going

core omega phage

From: Dylar at 2022-06-25 00:15:44
how’s it going

still sourcing a few things, i have some stuff in the pipeline already though. feels like this move way faster. I have a thing next week that’s a 1 and done.

got my bank accounts set up and ready to go. just need to figure out the tax stuff, gonna find an accountant and declare as an s-corp so i can draw salary and deduct that

feels like this is kind of a lifehack, but lots of minutia that can trip you up. but the flexibility is sick, it feels good to be able to say i’m really just working for myself.

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