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LinuxCon Worldwide 2021

conventions linux videos


ddwrt and Tomato, now those are names I haven’t heard in a dog’s age.

Trying too hard

really hope my old folks aren’t still running an ancient highly exploitable dd-wrt

Consumer routers running embedded OS distributions are the worst.

Trying too hard

I don’t know if this video had anything to do with it, but LinkedIn showed me open roles at Canonical and I’m thinking of applying.

Trying too hard

no slackware?

we don't rent pigs

From: Dylar at 2021-08-10 23:59:21
no slackware?

THANK YOU, especially with Slackware 15 releasing soon.

Trying too hard

From: MasterOfMagic at 2021-08-10 12:33:10
I don’t know if this video had anything to do with it, but LinkedIn showed me open roles at Canonical and I’m thinking of applying.

could be kewl

They wanted me to write a couple of essays before they’d even evaluate my resume, so forget that. If I wanted to work with Ubuntu that badly then I’d just start my own consulting company (again).

Trying too hard

essays? what are they thinking

core omega phage
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